✨ January New York FierceFam Spotlight: Meredith Pizzorusso ✨

This month, Coach Christa has nominated Meredith Pizzorusso as our Client Spotlight for January! 🎉 Meredith is such a pleasure to have in class! We love that she always writes an intention before starting class! We appreciate that she shows up early and arrives ready to work hard, setting such a great example for the rest of the class. Plus, Meredith has an unreal wardrobe of only Zen and peaceful beach sand colors that sets the mood! 🐚

  1. How long have you been coming to Fierce45?  I am a self-professed OG.  I started two weeks or so after Fierce opened.
  2. What is your favorite move on the machine?Hmmmm.  Carriage hero or lunges.
  3. How has Fierce made a positive impact on your life?Fierce has taught me that strong has no age limits.  In the month or two I have been taking classes, I feel more confident and I see positive changes in my body. I was so intimidated because I have never done reformer pilates but it really is for everyone.  Every move is adaptable to your skill level. I am a 3-4 times a weeker now.
  4. Why do you choose Fierce over another workout?The Fierce45 instructors are fab and very patient, I love the fast pace and the variety of the workouts and I love that it is low impact on your joints.
  5. Tell us a fun fact about you!Fun fact…..though the technical term is Sensory Analyst, I am a taste tester for Pepsi!  I help develop new products and help tweak current coffee, tea, soda products on the market.  And yes, it is as cool as it sounds.