👏🏽👏🏻You're Doing Amazing, Sweetie! 👏🏿👏

By: Arnica Lande

Two years ago, we entered a pandemic that included a lockdown most thought would last two weeks. While it may have been longer than anticipated, the actual pandemic has, at times, felt never ending. We’ve been forced to navigate unknown waters, pushed outside of comfort zones and confronting fears we didn’t know existed. Maybe it was deciding to isolate for a prolonged period, compromise on beliefs you held, or postpone the wedding of your dreams (all the 2022 bride and grooms, we see you). As businesses start to open and life begins to feel, dare we say, “normal”, it’s important to reflect on the changes we’ve made and how we navigated the past two years. Many made the decision to do something different in their lives, and even if we didn’t thrive, we certainly survived, felt growth in ways we didn’t know possible, and we must keep that mentality moving forward.

By now, we’ve likely found routines we know make us feel supported and healthy. Whether it’s an early morning class to start your day, a nighttime book to help you fall asleep, or consistency with family schedules and weekend playdates, having some structure in our weeks can help us feel productive and sane. However, there can be a downside of getting too comfortable with our habits, like a stunted growth pattern. While consistency is key when it comes to creating healthy habits, we must make sure that within the framework of returning to routine, we challenge ourselves to be different and continue growing, even when it isn't comfortable.

At Fierce45, we have the opportunity to not only challenge our bodies but challenge our minds. A lot of us have our class schedules, work out at the same time weekly. Within that routine, though, make sure to stay present and make conscious choices for your body based on the day. Part of the beauty of Fierce is the constant choices we make on the machine. Do you need a little more of a push? Or is your body exhausted and a modification might be a good fit? Either choice with not only benefit your physical self but force your mind to approach a stressful situation differently than usual. By being present and challenging our bodies and minds to work together toward something different than the norm, we can grow in ways we never thought possible.

With the Kris Jenner inspired March Challenge - “You’re Doing Amazing, Sweetie” - upon us, it’s not only an opportunity to keep consistent but also to take those hard learned lessons from the past two years and implement them. Einstein supposedly said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”, and he’s not wrong. This next month, challenge yourself to embrace being different within the framework of your lifestyle and you'll surely soon be thriving.

Jessica Sharpe