We made it. It’s officially 2020! If you’re anything like us, you’re probably looking to make a few changes this year. Maybe you’re yet to set any goals or intentions for 2020, or maybe you set an intention but you’ve already given up on it. Whether you’re not quite sure where to start or you’ve already overwhelmed yourself with the things want to achieve, take a step back. Think about your year and pick just one intention, maybe even just one word to be your focus for 2020.

Instead of setting and forgetting a lengthy list of New Year’s resolutions, pick a theme for the entire year that can be incorporated into all aspects of your life, not just fitness and work, but relationships, home life and even finances. By choosing one intention, you can narrow your focus and zero-in on one thing, every day for the entire year.

Once you’ve set your intention, it’s also important to remember to be kind to yourself. You’re already setting yourself up for failure if you’re expecting nothing less than perfection from yourself. You’re going to have off days. Cut yourself some slack and give yourself permission to get back on track.

To help get you started, at each of our studios throughout January, there is an intention wall. Grab an intention card at the front desk and write your 2020 intention on it to add to the wall. Every time you come to class and see it, it can serve as a reminder of what you are working towards this year.

Need a little inspiration? Here are some of our intentions for 2020: Level up; Restore; Be more mindful; Minimize; Find my voice; Get outside my comfort zone; Do more things I love with the people I love.

Tell us, what is your 2020 intention?

Cheers to a new year of inspiring, challenging and lifting each other up in and out of class!

Jessica SharpeFierce45