🌟 Septmeber FierceFam Spotlight: Kim Fischer 🌟

On behalf of the Fierce team, we would love to feature Kim as our client spotlight for September! Kim has been an OG at Fierce since the beginning. She has taken over 1400 classes. Kim recently got engaged!! We would love to not only celebrate her as a client this month but celebrate this milestone in her life! 

  1. How long have you been coming to Fierce45?

    My first class at Fierce45 was at the Wash Park studio in July 2016 with Rachel Prudhomme.  I had just moved to Denver from Michigan and tried out Fierce with my ClassPass.  I was hooked!

  2. Favorite move on the machine?

    I don't have a favorite move but I do have a favorite order for class.  I like to start with core, obliques, then arms and finish strong with legs!

  3. How has Fierce made a positive impact on your life?

    Fierce45 has had a profound impact on my life.  It has not only helped me build a strong physical and mental resilience but fostered meaningful relationships with coaches and other clients.  The discipline required for Fierce45 has reinforced my sense of commitment, making it a significant and positive part of my daily routine.  I have attended over 1400 classes in 8 years.  And it's still hard every time!

  4. Why do you choose Fierce over another workout?

    I choose Fierce45 because it emphasizes balanced muscle development.  I feel it has enhanced my performance in other activities and reduced my risk of injury.  It is a low-impact workout, making it gentle on the joints while still being highly effective at toning muscles and improving cardio health.  The mind-body connection helps focus on mindful movement which helps reduce stress and improve mental clarity.  As an elementary teacher, it is one of my favorite escapes after a busy day at school.  

  5. Tell us a fun fact about you!

    I've got a few fun facts to share!  This year I celebrated my 50th birthday, got engaged, and took 2 trips to Europe.  I will be moving to Alabama to be with my cowboy, Billy, next summer.  Torrey.......would you consider opening the next Fierce45 studio in southern Alabama?!?!?!?