⭐️ January FierceFam Spotlight: Niki Martinet ⭐️
On behalf of the management team, we are so excited to feature Niki as our January client spotlight. Niki is a Hilltop regular and no matter what mood, she comes in with a smile on her face, ready to work hard and laugh with her friends. She is constantly challenging herself and setting a great example for her neighbor while also having fun. We are so lucky to have her as a client.
How long have you been coming to Fierce45?
I started coming right after I retired in October of last year. I was feeling a little lost and looking for an outlet.
Favorite move on the machine?
Gosh, a love-hate relationship for sure with corkscrew and the bungee!
How has Fierce made a positive impact on your life?
It is the most incredible community of like-minded, fierce, athletic, and supportive women. I look forward to seeing my friends in class, and we hold one another accountable! The instructors care deeply about their clients, and I feel incredibly strong, which is so important as we age.
Why do you choose Fierce over another workout?
I was looking for an alternative to running, something effective but low impact. Its been awesome to build some lean muscle, especially for my core. It’s also a social outlet and motivator.
Tell us a fun fact about you!
I grew up on a farm in Canada and moved to Colorado 25 years ago for law school. I love raising my boys here and in the mountains! I speak French and Spanish, which is fun and according to my kids embarrassing because I can literally talk to just about anyone 💕