✍️Intentions vs. Resolutions ✍️

By: Arnica Lande

The New Year is the perfect time to set new goals and reflect on previous ambitions, habits, and achievements. Resolutions are created to make us feel better about the endless possibilities the future holds, and then shared in hopes of long-term accountability and success. Oftentimes, though, these resolutions are formed out of regret and negativity. So, this year, instead of making a resolution derived from the need to fix something that isn’t necessarily broken, we challenge you to set an intention, or multiple intentions, to help you reach your goals.  

We write our intentions on the chalkboards at Fierce to remind us throughout class of our “why” - what motivates us, what inspires us, what keeps us going when things become challenging. Our intentions provide the steppingstones to help us reach our bigger goals. Rather than something that seeks to fix, an intention is a more creative and positive means of reaching our desires.  

It all comes down to reframing the thought process behind bigger goals. Intentions allow a productive and mindful way to scale back larger goals and make them attainable over time. Whether it’s more self-care, speaking kindly to oneself, or increasing your Fierce classes to 4 times per week, all those intentions will have a domino effect in life, ultimately creating even more positive changes down the road! 

Kick 2021 off with the usual motivation of a New Year, but with lasting intentions that won’t let you down by mid-February. Choosing a positive mindset to move through each day will not only leave you feeling better but will make those tough days feel so not tough!  

Jessica Sharpe