🧘🏾‍♂️Finding Fluidity in Daily Life🧘‍♀️

By: Arnica Lande

The perfect balance of family, work, personal care, and social life can seem an impossible achievement. A glorified lifestyle, “balance” is deceivingly experienced when life feels like it’s on the up, but that feeling is usually never experienced for long. The downs then come which can jettison us out of the high and into a spiral of confusion, wondering when we will find the balance again. Instead of searching for balance in life, a better way is to learn to flow with it! Finding fluidity during turbulent times is nothing short of a challenge, but it’s through such challenges when we find our Fiercest selves and come out the other side stronger. Here are some tips for finding fluidity in your daily life:  

  1. Perspective. Remember that no matter how low you go, the opposing high will feel incredible when you get there! It’s like a mountain – once you get to the top, it was worth the journey from the bottom. The higher the mountain, the more rewarding the view.  

  1. Surrender. You know those times you can’t fall asleep, and the more you try the harder it is to sleep? It’s not until you surrender to the thoughts and relax into the racing mind that you find it. Surrendering to the challenge is the only way out, and that serves for anything in life. To truly grow, you must experience the hard times. We can’t skirt growth by going around the problem: we must go through it.  

  1. Everything is temporary. This goes for the highs, too. Ultimately, staying humble is one of the best ways to find fluidity in life. Appreciating and embracing the highs when they come but understanding that you wouldn’t experience them without the lows is key to feeling a sense of peace.  

  1. Routine. Having a daily routine is like having a framework for your day. It doesn’t have to be the same hour by hour, but something as simple as a morning practice that involves journaling and a workout, or an evening routine with a book and tea, will provide structure to help you feel balanced and achieve a sense of fluidity.  

  1. Fierce45®. We say it all the time, but Fierce is an amazing mental challenge as well as a physical one! The mental stamina required for the workout is like no other modality and practicing positive self-talk in hard movements helps us better handle stressful times off the machine. Also, understanding that our bodies may require different things each day on the machine allows us to tap into a sense of fluidity and understanding of our bodies and minds. 

Whether you’re on a high from a weekend of sunshine, only to feel shocked by the snowfall the next day (otherwise known as “False Spring and Third Winter”), or you’ve settled into that new job and it doesn’t feel so shiny and glorious anymore, ultimately you are in control of your life and there are amazing ways to build fluidity into your days. So, the next time you’re faced with a challenge, create a new daily ritual, jump on the FierceFormer®, and remind yourself that this too shall pass.   

Jessica Sharpe