Allison W. – Littleton Studio Manager 

To be the best version of myself (mentally and physically) for my family, friends and Fierce Fam.

Arnica – LoHi Studio Manager 

My why is the Fierce fam, the Fierce community! A community is an essential part of the human experience - we need a community to thrive, to pursue our passions and crush our goals, and to simply be happy. No matter what kind of day I'm having, it's always made better by interacting with our amazing clients and badass team. Having the support and love of such an inspiring group of people is the ultimate driver for my daily successes, job love, and absolutely contributes to my life happiness in Denver!

Lauren S. - Cherry Hills & Hilltop Studio Manager 

My "Why" is that when I moved to Colorado from Texas nearly two years ago, I didn't have friends/family here. After taking my first class at Fierce45, and diving into the community, I quickly found my home away from home. For all who walk in our doors, my goal is for them to feel embraced in the community of strong women that were so gracious to welcome me with open arms. 

Jacalyn - All studio assistant manager

In 2017, after moving from MS to Denver, I discovered Fierce45 after being in the competition side of CrossFit. Lived and breathed that life. I was so body conscious. Always criticizing myself when I looked in the mirror. My body was NEVER good enough. My mindset was in constant self-criticism mode. The very first girlfriend I met in Denver introduced me to Fierce45, and I was immediately in awe of the way I felt the second I walked in the studio and even more shocked with the way I felt walking out. 

After one month turned into two years (and continuing), I knew I was where I needed to be. The community, positivity and good vibes I had/have every single time I walk through a Fierce45 door is my WHY. That feeling of being comfortable in my own skin in an accepting space. The long term battle of a negative mindset of myself, physically and mentally, that has been crushed since being part of the Fierce45 family, is my WHY. The ability to get out of my own head and into a positive mindset. The insane amounts of support, love, and comfortability I have been shown from Fierce is what continues to push me, day in and day out is my WHY. My goal is to help shine Fierce45 on others to help uplift them through whatever it is they are battling with, even if its a rough day to a shift in life. I am living proof of Fierce45 getting me through some of the most robust points in my life! 


Dana – LoHi Assistant Studio Manager 

My why is "family" I like this team and being surrounded by positive, strong women. Makes me feel good to be around. I know that's not super detailed.


Christine – Chief Financial Officer 

To continue to grow and become a little better each day. What is today my ceiling, will tomorrow become my floor. 


Rheagan S – Retail Buyer

 Why Fierce45? Before Denver, I was living in Dallas, and I experienced my first Pilates class at Studio 6 Fitness. I was 4 months postpartum, and it was the first workout I experienced after my c-section. I got really close with a few of the instructors and knew that my calling was to be an instructor. 

Shortly after this epiphany my Baby Daddy, Alex, got a job offer in Denver. So, I Googled "Best Pilates Studio in Denver," and I came across Fierce and they just happened to have applications open for Teacher Training for Fall 2017 #fate I immediately applied; no questions asked! I moved to Denver a little over a year ago with my little family, no job, no friends, and my immediate family back home in Louisiana. On October 2, 2017, I took my first Fierce class, and my life was forever changed! From the Squad Member to the Coach my experience in the studio left such an impact on my heart. 

I went through Teacher Training, made some of the BEST friends, and I knew in my heart that I wanted to do more inside of the company. I had to be a part of something that I believed in with my entire being! So, my Mentor/Master Trainer at Fierce, Charlene, told me to reach out to our COO/Mama Bear, Melissa, and tell her I wanted to be a part of the team. I started off as a Squad Member, finally got my wings as a Coach, and slowly transitioned into my dream job as the Retail Manager + Buyer of all six (soon to be seven-ish) locations. It all happened so fast (because time flies when you are having fun, right? Right!), and I am so blessed to call all fourteen babes, of our management team, family. They are my sisters, and they would go to war for me no questions asked, and vice versa! I came here with no friends and my entire family 1,075 miles away (who's counting?), and in less than a year I had a tribe of empowering women by my side through the blood, sweat + tears.  My why is the Fierce Community. To have the privilege to really experience the community is a gift that I will never take for granted! Thank Y'all for being my family, my biggest cheerleaders and my sounding board. 


Megan L – RiNo Studio Manager 

I love Fierce45 for everything it embodies: community, self-respect, empowerment. I am amazed by this team every day, the support from everyone here is beyond anything I have experienced at any other company. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such incredible coworkers and our insanely amazing COMMUNITY! #blessed


Joy – Boulder Studio Manager

Fierce has helped me grow in ways I wasn't expecting!  Learning to prioritize strength over appearance and applying the mental focus and tenacity from class to the rest of my daily life are just a few of my many reasons why I love Fierce.  The idea of inspiring your neighbor to push a little harder and letting your coach and your classmates lift you when you're feeling less motivated keeps me coming back year after year.  Although the community continues to grow with new studios, when you walk in the door you know you will find an amazing group of clients, coaches and squad ready to support you in any way you need!

Chelsea S - Director of Marketing

I have been in the fitness industry in some way, shape or form for over six years and have never experienced a community like the community I have found at Fierce45. I am a firm believer in building community and bringing people together as I know all too well the feeling of isolation and as though you do not belong. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for most of my life, and this struggle can make it hard to feel like I fit in, or feel like I belong, but the second I stepped into a Fierce studio, I felt home. I felt like I belonged.

It is Fierce that has saved my life time and time again, and it is Fierce that I turn to when I need to get out of my head and onto a machine. It is Fierce that has helped me grow as a coach, an employee, a friend, and most of all a human. Fierce to me, is life.

Jessica Sharpe